There’s Always the Mistletoe

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The chilling, brisk winds of the Yule-Tide season will go well with this Mistletoe. The sweet notes of vanilla and frankincense are matched with the refreshing aroma of peppermint to lift the holiday spirit and clear the sinuses. As the world begins to slow around us, frankincense will help you ease into hibernation by helping lower your heart rate and aid in relieving blood pressure.

As for the mistletoe, it has ancient roots. This ancient relic was thought to bring peace among enemies and halts to wars. In good company with the acclaimed aphrodisiac vanilla, the Yule mistletoe is also known to bring fertility to desiring couples. Vanilla is also praised for its ability to relieve depression and as an antioxidant.

Though there are coldness and grief throughout the world, there is also the Mistletoe.

So, as they say… kiss her once for me!

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