The Hyla Store was birthed out of an autoimmune, chronic pain diagnosis. While learning to adapt my life to my new reality, I was enlightened to the fact that most of the small, everyday items that I used were unhealthy or unnatural in ways that could inflame or disrupt my diagnosis and general well-being. From the tea that I drink to ease pain or the candles I burnt to induce relaxation, with the wrong ingredients, I am welcoming toxins with drink and inhale. This is why Hyla is a minimalist, product line are based on natural products for functional daily household needs: brews, scents, candles, etc.

The Hyla Store was named after the Arkansas tree frog, which makes a regular appearance in the garden where many of the herbs for our products come from. We named our project after the Arkansas tree frog with the promise that our products will be made with intention and quality that even the tree frogs will approve.

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About Us

The Hyla Store is named after the Arkansas tree frog, the hyla cinerea. Arkansas is the natural home of this green treefrog, they can be found all over the garden where we gather many of the herbs used in candles, soaps, and other natural products.

Hyla frogs are not just a sign of a healthy environment, but a thriving one as well. Frogs need good, healthy, natural environments to stay healthy and green. We promise to use products that will have the same effect on our customers and our environment; we strive to be 100% #FrogFriendly! Hyla will only use healthy, sustainable, and organic sources when creating our products.

Therefore, Hyla Cafe is not just named after the Arkansas tree frog, it is Tree Frog Approved.